Thursday, April 30, 2009

How to Do a Fat Flush Cleansing

A fat flush cleansing improves liver function and boosts metabolism, helping to cut cellulite and excess fat in those problem areas. A fat flush consists of three phases, the final phase being a permanent change in your eating habits. While you are bound to see incredible results in the first month of a fat flush cleansing, the long-term results require dedication and a complete change in your regular diet.

1. Step 1

Include foods in your diet that include good fats, such as flaxseed, fish and eggs, while eliminating red meat, hydrogenated oils, packaged foods and refined flour and sugar. Boost antioxidants by eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.You can include diuretics in your diet, such as black tea and coffee and you do not need to limit your use of spices.

2. Step 2

Begin phase one of your fat flush cleansing by limiting your caloric intake to 1100 calories per day for 2 full weeks. Limit carbohydrates as much as possible, including only those carbs which are found in fruits and vegetables. Avoid grains, dairy products and starchy carbohydrates, such as potatoes, yams and corn. Maintain your regular exercise routine; however, it is recommended that you take it a bit easier than normal, due to the low levels of calories your body will be receiving.

3. Step 3

Increase your caloric intake to 1500 calories a day after 2 weeks, following the same eating guidelines. You should remain in phase two as long as necessary to reach your weight loss goal. You may return to your regular exercise program, but remember to eat healthy proteins and carbohydrates within one hour after exercise to maintain your energy throughout the day.

4. Step 4

Return to a 2,000 to 2,500 calorie a day diet in phase three; however, continue to keep your diet low-carb, taking in no more than 60g of carbs per day. You can now include good carbohydrates, such as whole grains, yams and squash to your diet, as well as dairy, as long as you do not exceed 60 carbs and 2,500 calories each day. This phase is meant to be permanent and will help you to maintain the results you reached in phase one and two.

5. Step 5

Maintain a healthy diet throughout each of the three phases, avoiding pre-packaged foods, red meats and refined sugars. Remember to include flaxseed oils, fish and plenty of antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables in your regular diet. You can ensure that your body receives the nutrients it needs by eating as much raw food as possible and baking or steaming your veggies instead of sautéing or frying.